05 February

A Wake-Up Call for IoT

Welcome to the world of Internet of Things wherein a glut of devices are connected to the internet which emanates massive amounts of data. Analysis and use of this data will have real positive impact on our lives. But we …

05 February

7 Trends of IoT in 2017

IoT is one of the transformational trends that will shape the future of businesses in 2017 and beyond. Many firms see big opportunity in IoT uses and enterprises start to believe that IoT holds the promise to enhance customer relationships …

05 February

Six Big Ideas that a Smart City Needs

By 2050, the world’s population will reach almost 10 billion. This fact presents an unprecedented challenge that shifts the responsibility to cities, as the UN estimates that 67% of the world’s inhabitants will live in urban areas. The economic, demographic, …

02 October

Cyber Attacks

The real world isn’t like the online world. In the real world, you only have to worry about the criminals who live in your city. But in the online world, you have to worry about criminals who could be on …

02 October

Medical Technology and Patient Centricity

The past 28th to 30th of September 2014 a very interesting congress on new human reproduction technologies took place in Alicante, organized by the IVF-SPAIN Foundation and Merck Serono. A new generation of technologies is disrupting human reproduction. If by now biomedical …

02 October

5 Key Figures About Big Data

Internet and the new technologies have changed the way we think, and they have also become a new source of business by themselves, which opens many possibilities and scenarios (future and present) for the economic activity too. The business revolution …