Author: <span>Code Lab</span>

2021 Summer Research Internship Opportunities

Connected Devices (CoDe) Lab is inviting qualified applicants for summer internship opportunities in the Lab. The area available this summer is Natural Language Processing (NLP). Details of the available project with accompanying requisite skills set can be found here. You can also click here to access the signup form directly. …

Paper Publication [An Investigation into the Application of Deep Learning in the Detection and Mitigation of DDOS Attack on SDN Controllers] from CoDe Lab

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a new paradigm that revolutionizes the idea of a software-driven network through the separation of control and data planes. It addresses the problems of traditional network architecture. Nevertheless, this brilliant architecture is exposed to several security threats, e.g., the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, which …

Paper Publication [Transformer Models for Text-based Emotion Detection: A Review of BERT-based Approaches]from CoDe Lab

We cannot overemphasize the essence of contextual information in most natural language processing (NLP) applications. The extraction of context yields significant improvements in many NLP tasks, including emotion recognition from texts. The paper discusses transformer-based models for NLP tasks. It highlights the pros and cons of the identified models. The …

CoDe Lab @ 17th ICCWAMTIP

Connected Devices Lab in December 2020, participated and presented three accepted papers the 2020 17th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing (ICCWAMTIP). The conference was held at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China campus in Chengdu, China. The following were the papers …

2020 Research Internship Opportunities

Connected Devices (CoDe) Lab is inviting qualified applicants for summer internship opportunities in the Lab. The area available this summer is Natural Language Processing (NLP). Details of the available project with accompanying requisite skills set can be found here. You can also click here to access the signup form directly. …

Paper Publication [Text‐based emotion detection: Advances, challenges, and opportunities] from CoDe Lab

Emotion detection (ED) is a branch of sentiment analysis that deals with the extraction and analysis of emotions. The evolution of Web 2.0 has put text mining and analysis at the frontiers of organizational success. It helps service providers provide tailor‐made services to their customers. Numerous studies are being carried …

PPNA Paper Publication [PSTRM: Privacy-aware sociopsychological trust and reputation model for wireless sensor networks] from CoDe Lab

The high possibility of attack is greatly attributed to the broadcast nature of the communication medium in which the sensor nodes operate; this makes eavesdropping of messages possible on the network. This paper proposes a privacy-aware sociopsychological trust and reputation management (PSTRM) model. The paper presents a model that models …

Paper Publication [Brain Tumor Segmentation using SLIC Superpixels and Optimized Thresholding Algorithm] from CoDe Lab

This paper deals with the implementation of a simple algorithm for automatic brain tumor segmentation. Brain tumor is commonly diagnosed by Computer tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging in clinical treatment. The paper uses Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) to segment brain images according to their spatial and color proximities. The …

SoTRMSim: Sociopsychological Trust and Reputation Models Simulator for Wireless Sensor Networks

SoTRMSim is a MATLAB based simulator for simulating Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) utilised in computing sociopsychological trust and reputation models. You can also use it to build randomised network deployments for other WSN related research work. This is ideal for new researchers who want existing code to build on in …

2018 Research Internship Opportunities at CoDe LAB

Connected Devices (CoDe) Lab is inviting qualified applicants for summer internship opportunities in the lab. The major areas available this summer is wireless sensor network design and security, machine learning and imae processing. Details of the available project with accompanying requisite skills set can be found here. You can also …